Pictures From The May-June 2005 trip to the Double R Ranch north of Mullen, Nebraska, taken by Mike Borman unless noted otherwise
Mitch, Donna, Gregg, Mike at the entrance to the Double R Ranch. Notice anything unusual about the sign?
Donna, Mitch, and Gregg with the ranch in the background.
Donna, Mitch, and Mike with the ranch in the background.
Geocaching at Merritt Reservoir.
Hiking the Bluejay Trail in the state forest.
Hiking the Bluejay Trail in the state forest.
Telescope setup at the ranch.
Telescope setup at the ranch.
Mike Borman's 18" Obsession and telescope trailer.
The Sand Hills at sunset.
The Sand Hills at sunset.
Mike Borman and his 18" Obsession with Gregg Eubanks setting up his 30" in the background.
Chowing Down!
Barn at the Double R.
Main cabin at the RR Ranch.
Cow skull.
Mosaic of the ranch.
H-alpha image of the Sun taken through TV-85 refractor by Mike Borman. Note large prominence and white solar flare.
LRGB image of the Veil Nebula in Cygnus taken 5/31/05 by Mike Borman using a ST-8XE CCD camera through a TV-85 refractor piggybacked on a 10" Meade LX200GPS.
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