Pictures From The March 2009 Trip To The National Solar Observatory on Sacremento Peak in New Mexico, taken by Mike and Pim Borman
Sunspot Astronomy and Visitor's Center.
View From Sacremento Peak.
Antarctic Solar Telescope Information.
Antarctic Solar Telescope.
Sculpture At The Visitor's Center.
John W. Evans Solar Facility Sign.
John W. Evans Solar Facility.
John W. Evans Solar Facility Coronograph.
John W. Evans Solar Facility Coronograph Information.
Littrow Spectrograph Information.
John W. Evans Solar Facility.
Vacuum Tower Solar Telescope Sign.
Vacuum Tower Solar Telescope Diagram.
Vacuum Tower Solar Telescope.
Vacuum Tower Solar Telescope.
Vacuum Tower Solar Telescope.
Vacuum Tower Solar Telescope.
Inside the Vacuum Tower Solar Telescope.
Inside the Vacuum Tower Solar Telescope.
Control Room Inside the Vacuum Tower Solar Telescope.
The Vacuum Tower Solar Telescope.
Other Solar Telescopes.
Other Solar Telescopes.
Return to New Mexico Trip Images.