Pictures taken on the trip to, and the hike through Picture Canyon in Colorado, by Mike Borman
Road trip to Picture Canyon in Colorado via Boise City. Download from my GPS.
Hike through Picture Canyon. Download from my GPS.
Court house in Boise City, OK.
Boise City was bombed!
Map at the beginning of the trail at Picture Canyon in Colorado.
Information about Picture Canyon.
Information about Picture Canyon.
Information about Picture Canyon.
Donna signs the register.
Picture Canyon scenery.
A bit hard to determine which trail you are on.
Mitch and Donna head down the trail.
Donna finds the Geocache in Picture Canyon!
Mike, Donna, and Mitch.
Picture Canyon scenery.
Now which way do we go?
Picture Canyon scenery.
Picture Canyon scenery.
Picture Canyon scenery.
Horse petroglyph.
Horse petroglyph.
Warrior petroglyph.
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