Mike Borman with his 18" Obsession Dob, Astrotech 8" Ritchey-Chretien, and Astrotech 90mm refractor, on a Celestron CGX-L mount.
Astrotech 8" Ritchey-Chretien, and Astrotech 90mm refractor, on a Celestron CGX-L mount. ZWO ASI071MC imaging camera and Starlight Express Lodestar guider.
Nikon D810a DSLR on a Sky Watcher Star Adventurer mount for widefield Milky Way photography.360 photo on the western observing field at Okie-Tex 2019. #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Tony Bryan's 8" Meade SCT optical tube on a Celestron AVX mount.
The "Obsessed Of The EAS" location on the west observing field.
Astro Physics demonstrating their new Mach 2 and other mounts
Attendees brought lots of interesting equipment to observe/image with at Okie-Tex 2019.
Attendees brought lots of interesting equipment to observe/image with at Okie-Tex 2019.
How to protect your imaging rig from wind gusts on the east observing field.
How to protect your imaging rig from wind gusts on the east observing field.
Attendees brought lots of interesting equipment to observe/image with at Okie-Tex 2019.
Attendees brought lots of interesting equipment to observe with at Okie-Tex 2019.
Attendees brought lots of interesting equipment to observe with at Okie-Tex 2019.
Stratolite Balloon floating over the observing site.
Attendees brought lots of interesting equipment to observe with at Okie-Tex 2019.
Attendees brought lots of interesting equipment to observe with at Okie-Tex 2019.
Attendees brought lots of interesting equipment to observe with at Okie-Tex 2019.
Attendees brought lots of interesting equipment to observe with at Okie-Tex 2019.
Attendees brought lots of interesting equipment to observe with at Okie-Tex 2019
Alvan Clark & Sons refractor.
Tony Bryan observing the Sun in h-alpha.
Tony Bryan demonstrating that even on cloudy days, you can still see the coat hanger asterism!
The observing field from Mike Borman's DJI Mavic 2 drone.
Panorama of the observing field from Mike Borman's DJI Mavic 2 drone.
Panorama toward Black Mesa from Mike Borman's DJI Mavic 2 drone.
Tony checks out the Obsession Ultra Compact.
Milky Way shot from Mike Borman's Nikon D5600 with 14mm Rokinon lens on a Skywatcher Star Adventurer Mount.
Milky Way shot from Mike Borman's Nikon D5600 with 14mm Rokinon lens on a Skywatcher Star Adventurer Mount.
My cabin at the Hitching Post Bed & Breakfast.
View toward Black Mesa near sunset.
Day trip to the dinosaur tracks at Clayton Lake Park in Clayton, NM.
Day trip to the dinosaur tracks at Clayton Lake Park in Clayton, NM.
Dinosaur tracks at Clayton Lake Park in Clayton, NM. #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Day trip to the dinosaur tracks at Clayton Lake Park in Clayton, NM.
Day trip to the dinosaur tracks at Clayton Lake Park in Clayton, NM.
Door prize give away in the dining tent.
Comet Africano c/2018 W2 taken with Mike Borman's 8" Astrotech RC and ZWOASI071MC camera.
Lagoon Nebula M8, taken with Mike Borman's 8" Astrotech RC and ZWOASI071MC camera.
Open Cluster M11, taken with Mike Borman's 8" Astrotech RC and ZWOASI071MC camera.
Globular cluster M13, taken with Mike Borman's 8" Astrotech RC and ZWOASI071MC camera.
Planetary Nebula M27, taken with Mike Borman's 8" Astrotech RC and ZWOASI071MC camera.
Spiral Galaxy M33 taken with Mike Borman's 8" Astrotech RC and ZWOASI071MC camera.
The Fireworks Galaxy NGC-6946, and open cluster NGC-6939 taken with Mike Borman's 8" Astrotech RC and ZWOASI071MC camera.
Back home in Evansville, Indiana after two long days of driving.